Thursday, November 1, 2012


Quite a few times, I feel that I am not happy in with the way things are going on. In the last few weeks, I realized that what I am doing doesn't match with what goals I had set out to achieve. In such a scenario, I would need to change my goals, or change what i am doing.

Simply put, its like turning up in soccer shoes for a tennis game. You either change your sports gear, or you go to where soccer is being played.

Given this, life seems pretty simple and easy. Its just about prioritizing the stuff that aligns with your goals higher than the rest.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Problems of the world

I was watching the google "solve for x" talks today. They dont seem to be very well presented, (the presenters could have, and should have, done a better job) but the ideas are really cool. What caught my attention was the projection of the problems that the world will face in the years to come, and their magnitude. Its staggering.

The five problems that need to be solved include food, water, energy, disease and waste. Somehow, I feel that all research should be a step towards the solution of any or all of these problems.

I asked my roomie who just completed his PhD what problem he was trying to solve, and demanded the answer in one line. It took him a while to finally get it: "My research will make DNA sequencing faster". Essentially, his research is a small step towards the solution of the disease problem.

I am primarily working on the energy problem in my research work. This makes it sound so cool :) Well, at present, I am really upbeat about my work :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Birthday celebration

Flowers at the Austin Hindu Temple
My first birthday outside India. Went to temple after a really long time, thanks to Mukund who rented a car and gave me a ride.

Was supposed to go out with labmates for a beer, and had a discussion with Andy over who should pay for it.In America, everyone pays for the person whose birthday is being celebrated, which is very much unlike in India, where the birthday boy (or girl) gives a treat to everyone. I found the American way very different, but nice :)

Thanks to my professor turning up in lab, the beer plan got cancelled, but we did go for a pizza buffet later on. My labmates are just awesome.